Secondary School Parent, Scotland

The [provided to Free To Speak] lesson plan has already been delivered to S1 pupils.

Slides 1 and 2 give the impression that the lesson will be about differences in puberty between boys and girls; however, this is not the case – 10 out of the 13 slides (with a Pride flag as the background) cover ideas from gender ideology presented as fact. Slide 5 wrongly states that ‘gender’ is ‘assigned at birth’; ‘gender’ is not ‘assigned’ at birth – ‘sex’ is observed and recorded at birth (or while the baby is in utero). Slides 6 and 7 introduce a confusing range of terms and uses ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ interchangeably. Slide 8 introduces the idea of a spectrum of sex by adding ‘intersex’ as a biological sex category, and presents the idea of ‘gender’ as a fact rather than an idea. The note to slide 8 (‘the child is born with ambiguous genitalia’) is factually incorrect: not all babies with differences of sexual differentiation have ambiguous genitalia. Slide 9 states that a ‘transman’ (i.e. a trans-identifying woman) is a man and that a ‘transwoman’ (i.e. a trans-identifying man) is a woman, and tells children that ‘if you’re not sure what gender someone identifies as, call them “they”.’ Slides 8 and 9 include graphics of pink and blue brains in male and female heads, respectively, which suggests to children that they might have been ‘born in the wrong body’; no one is born in the wrong body – your body is you!

The school’s staff and Gender Sexuality Alliance are working with LGBT Youth Scotland Schools Charter. LGBT Youth Scotland referred itself to the police last December over allegations of grooming.

Statement from LGBT Youth Scotland | LGBT Youth Scotland | LGBT Youth Scotland

[Slideshow provided to Free To Speak]