Secondary School Non-teaching Staff, London

I’m a secondary school DSL and I am extremely worried about the distorted and conflicting messages we are giving our children, which seems to disproportionately affect girls.

On one hand, we teach critical thinking. On the other hand, gender ideology is taught as fact and anyone who questions it is labelled transphobic. We teach girls about misogyny – there are whole assemblies currently going on in schools on Andrew Tate – and we teach personal safety. On the other hand, girls are being taught to ‘be kind’ and accept male bodied people in their single sex spaces. We teach equality, yet we also teach that gender stereotypes of feminine and masculine are more important than biological sex. We teach tolerance, yet lesbian and gay children aren’t allowed to be same sex attracted anymore – that’s transphobic, and people with penises can identify as lesbians. We teach safeguarding and that the child’s welfare is paramount, but safeguarding and safety go out the window when it comes to the feelings of trans identifying people, including adult males.

Where are the adults in the room? Why are we allowing this ideology to infiltrate every area of public life, including schools, unchecked?

I feel like I am watching a mass safeguarding breach unfolding before my eyes and I am powerless to stop it.