Primary School Parent, England

My Year 6 daughter had her PSHE lesson a few weeks ago. I asked to see the slides as I noticed that the consent form mentioned something vague about gender.

The slides muddle up gender and sex/sexuality in a way that is potentially confusing to children. I objected to the use of terms like ‘cisgender’ and ‘demisexual’, which I think normalises the language used by gender ideology. I believe gender ideology is very harmful to children, especially girls, and we really shouldn’t be telling primary school children that they need to discover their “identity”.

In a discussion with the headteacher, he told me they had to use ‘approved providers for PSHE material’ – in this case Twinkl – and they didn’t feel confident enough to create the slides themselves in case they got something wrong (although they did in fact amend some of them based on my feedback).