Online Secondary School Parent, Scotland

My 14 year old autistic daughter attended this online school this academic year. She had been anxious and depressed and was unable to attend her old school. I informed the school that she has gender dysphoria at the beginning of the year. In consultation with her psychiatrist we decided to follow a watchful waiting approach. I told the school that we were not affirming her so we call her by a gender nickname and avoid using pronouns as she found female pronouns upsetting. Our goal was to neither affirm nor deny. We wanted to find out why she was feeling this way. The school accepted this but then stated that if my daughter asked her teachers to use male pronouns they would do so as they had to listen to the voice of the child. I sent them two statements from 2 psychiatrists recommending no male pronouns, that her situation was complex. They completely disregarded medical recommendations as well as the wishes of us the parents. I started a formal complaints procedure against the school however the process was halted by the school as they said I did not have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria for my daughter. They would not accept the 2 psychiatric statements as evidence. Their primary concern was responding to her belief that she is transgender whilst completely disregarding that her autism, depression and anxiety could play any role.

The school also refused to acknowledge that using male pronouns on my daughter was social transitioning. Their outlook was completely ideologically and I had no other way to complain. It seems online schools cannot be held accountable for their actions.

The school celebrates Pride month and as far as I know there is no explicit teaching of gender ideology in the classroom. However, it is shocking that the school believes it can dismiss medical advice in conjunction with the wishes of parents in a complex situation.